Other Project Titles

Power Recycling Projects

 Wind Mill Power Generation

Pelton Wheel Turbine Power Generation

Wave Power Generation

Power generation Using Speed Breaker

Power Generation Using Horizantal wind mill

Portable Horizantal Power Generation Using In   Two Wheeler

 Conventional Projects

Tools And Gigs

Pneumatic Verticle Clamp

Pneumatic Horizantal clamp

Pneumatic Vice

Pneumatic Swing Clamp

Drill Gigs For Three Hole Making flange

Double Ended Tool Holder For lathe

 Indicator And Controller

Low pressure Indiacator And Controller.

Water lever Indicator And Controller


 Micro Machines

Micro Wood Turning lathe

Micro Milling Machine

Micro Gring  Machine

Portable Rod cutting Machine

Portable Pneumatic Rod cutting Machine

Portable Pneumatic Horizantal  Slotting Machine

Portable Pneumatic verticle Slotting Machine.

Portale Pneumatic Drilling Machine.

Multi Hol,e Drillinmg Machine.

Invention Projects

1. Electric Former trackter

2. Bio gas Water Pump

3. Marine bladless Transmitting Steering Mechanisms

4.Jet Boats

5.Pneumatic Double Acting Cylinder Bike.

6. Pneumatic two Wheeler Self  Starter.

7. Swing Windmill Power Generation.